Power, Peace & Presence
Power, peace & presence are all experiences that rely on your resonance with truth. The truth of what is real, what is happening. We are all guilty of placing our power, peace and presence "elsewhere". In thoughts of the future or the past, our hopes or desires for things to be or feel better when or then...
We spend our lives waiting for a moment that never arrives or glancing back to the occasional moments we felt truly present with our experience, with life, with everything. We speak about this experience of consciousness as if it were bound by time and space, something that could be reached for. But it's not tethered to material reality because it is a frequency of conscious awareness.
The incredible part of this for all of us is that the key to open the door is within each of us. It is a state of being. It's all about finding the unique personal path to calibrating with the frequency of life. It is expansive, unifying, all-encompassing. It knows no edges, no limits or bounds.
The uncomfortable part is that right here in the present is also the discomfort you keep running from
But FEAR NOT! All emotions are love. Some emotions are calls from love and others are calls to love. It is as simple as this - but we love making things more complex. Those uncomfortable emotions are calling us to love and the more we ignore them the calls feel like screams and screams feel scary.
But do not fear the depths of your sorrow & anguish because these emotions are divine explosions of energy all calling your spirit into its natural resonance as love. All energy is in a constant state of motion - dynamic & transforming - and emotion is one of the core mechanisms for that process.
We have to find an appetite to be present with our emotion. I have spent most of my life feeling emotion in the most intense and all-encompassing ways. After 30+ years of trial and error, what I have found personally is that the only thing you need to transmute emotion is PRESENCE.
Non-judgmental, non-reactive, open, loving presence. Either your own ability to be present with your pain in love or to be witnessed by someone else in this way. Once the pain is witnessed and unified instead of meeting its usual resistance, it dissolves. It is met by and with love. The shadow is illuminated by the light.
The more our awareness expands, the more it can hold. Opposing perspectives, multiple truths, paradox, discomfort, pain, beauty, truth, life, death, love...more of EVERYTHING. It doesn't mean more of what we enjoy or find pleasure or virtue in.
Christ consciousness is about expanding awareness until all of the pain is being held up and illuminated by love. We are all tiny pieces of consciousness which has been expanding and evolving eternally. The only way is through and if you don't start to let go and lean into the experience, it's going to drag your ass the entire way through it.